Governing Body
Shire Oak Governing Body - Who we are and what we do.
All schools have to have a Governing Body to:
Represent different parts of the school community
Make sure that the school fulfils all its legal duties, including keeping children safe
Challenge and support the school staff to constantly make improvements
Provide strategic direction to help move the school forward.
Governors Newsletter 2018 (includes attendance)
Who are the governors at Shire Oak?
Meet our governors here.... .
At present, none of our serving governors have any business interests that are relevant to their role on the governing body. None are related to staff members of Shire Oak CE Primary School. A full register is kept in school.
Parent governors (elected by the parents of children in school)
Charlie Stobbart
Kate Wright
Jess Watson
Laura McCullagh
Foundation governors (appointed by the Diocese)
David Walls
Katharine Salmon
Ann Dudzinski
Co-opted governors (appointed by the Governing Body to ensure that we have the right skills to do our job).
Antonia Nicholls (Chair)
Cllr Tim Goodall (LA Governor)
Richard Killington
Staff governor
Bianca Woodruff
Senior Leadership Team
Jane Astrid Devane (Headteacher)
Marcelle Maver (Deputy Headteacher and Associate Governor)
The Governing Body is supported by a clerk from Leeds City Council’s Governors Support Unit.
How does the Governing Body do its work?
The Full Governing Body meets every half term to plan and review the work of the school. Each year we develop a workplan so that our work is organised and systematic. You can see a copy of the current workplan here.
To see the School Financial Value Standard (SFVC 2022 - 2023) click here.
It considers reports and information from:
the Headteacher and other members of staff
advisors and other people who visit the school
Governors who have visited school to look at particular aspects of school life
parents (through issues they raise and the annual survey)
School Council
Governors will then reach conclusions on how well the school is doing and how we might do better.
Governing Body Committees
A lot of the Governing Body’s work happens in Committees.
At Shire Oak we have three main committees (and another one to work with the Children’s Centre).
These are:
To keep an eye on the school budget; checks that the building and grounds are safe; and makes sure that we have enough teachers and other staff and they are working to the highest standards. The Resources Committee is chaired by Antonia Nicholls.
The Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee makes sure that the curriculum is exciting; that all children are making good progress; and that we have good quality teaching in school. It also checks that all children in school feel valued and respected and their views are heard: and that children attend school and behave well. It also makes sure that parents are involved in school life and that we have good links with the local community and with partnership organisations. The chair of this committee is Dick Killington. .
Governors with special responsibilities
Some of the governors have special responsibilities, as follows:
Chair of Governors Antonia Nicholls and David Walls
Vice-chair Dick Killington
Child Protection and
Safeguarding: Charlie Stobbart
Looked After Children: Charlie Stobbart
EYFS: Dick Killington
Health and Safety: David Walls
SEND: Jessica Walton
How do I get in touch with the governors?
Children can talk to School Council representatives. Governors are sometimes invited to School Council meetings and the Governing Body receives the minutes of School Council meetings.
Parents can raise issues with one of the parent governors.
Staff can raise issues through the staff representative on the Governing Body.
Anyone is very welcome to contact the chair of Governors – Antonia Nicholls. You can email her at write her a letter (and give it to the office to pass on) or leave a message in the office and she will contact you.