Welcome to Year 1.
Welcome to Year 1

Year 1 are called Nile Class
Our teacher is: Miss Coulter
The other adults who work in our class are: Mrs Pakalna, Mrs Reay and Mrs Mitchell (who covers Miss Coulter’s planning time).
Our School Council Representatives are: Sonny and Lyla
Our library day is: Thursday
Our PE days are: Monday and Wednesday
Sound Books: updated with the new sound and Red Words every Monday.
Our Topic this term is ‘Toys’.
• Place value, addition and subtraction within 20 and progress to place value of numbers to 50.
• We will end the term with a focus on measurement of length and height followed by weight and volume.
• Phonics: we will be continuing to use the FFT Success for All programme.
• Using our topic and stories as a stimulus for writing.
This half term we will be focusing on Lost in the Toy Museum by David Lucas and next half term we will be exploring traditional tales.
• Everyday materials and their properties.
toys from the past up to the present.
Geography: the four countries of the United Kingdom and their capital cities.
Art: texture and pattern.
DT: apply our science learning about materials to make items for a toy e.g. chair or shelter for a teddy. • Computing: using the mouse and using programmable toys (e.g. BeeBots) to follow a given route. •
RE: thinking about how and why we care for others and continuing to think about our Year 1 value of kindness. Music: exploring pitch and rhythm and learning about different styles of music. •
PE: dance on the theme of toys, gymnastics, multi-skills and games.
More detail is available in the curriculum area of our school website.
The times tables / maths facts we are learning are:
• One more and one less than numbers to 10 and then to 20.
• Doubles of numbers to 5.
• Addition facts to 10.
• Add and subtract one-digit numbers to 10, including zero.
• Count to and across from 20 and then to 100, forwards and backwards, beginning from any given number.
If you have extra time at home, this is a good way to help us improve our learning:
• Read with your child, practise new sounds and Red Words.
• To practise the number facts mentioned above.
You can find out what your child has been learning each week by looking at the ‘Weekly Round-Up’ on Tapestry
Mr Nash, the Learning Mentor, can normally help sort out any worries or problems about school life. He or senior leaders are on the playground before school each morning or can be contacted via the office.
Our class teacher is happy to talk to parents and carers about how to help children improve their learning. Catch them at the end of the day to arrange a time to talk, or leave a message at the office. (At morning circle time messages are best passed on via the office/Learning Mentor or senior staff as teachers are greeting the children and starting the day.)

Our Homework
At Shire Oak, we encourage creative, project-based homework to allow children to explore wider aspects of a topic and follow their own interests and ideas.
Homework Leaflet Spring 1st half 2025
