Welcome to Year 3
Our Learning
Our general topic this term is the science and history led ‘Pyramids, Pets and People’ (focusing in particular in the first half term on human and other animal bodies, including how to keep them healthy, and in the second half term on the history of Ancient Egypt) and you will receive details soon of the half-term’s homework. This will consist of a topic task, some maths activities, spelling and reading. Later this half term in R.E., we will be investigating creation stories from different religions and thinking about how people become inspired.
In Geography, we will be learning map skills, including through a trip to Otley Chevin later this term. In Science, we will be investigating forces and magnets and in PSHE, we will be thinking about respecting ourselves and others and about wellbeing.
In Maths, we will continue working on using the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in different situations and contexts. This might involve using money and giving change, deciding on appropriate ways to solve word problems, exploring patterns of number or using more than one operation at a time when solving problems (amongst other things). We will also be looking at fractions, time and shape. We will also be continuing to work on multiplication and division facts for the 4x, 8x and 3x tables aiming to set secure foundations in arithmetic.
Our topics will feature throughout our writing, as will our class book. Our class book for this half term is ‘The Fox Busters’ by Dick King-Smith. We will continue to focus on ensuring we have varied and interesting sentences that make sense and are appropriate for the audience and purpose. This will include extending our sentences with connectives, using a variety of sentence openers and appropriate use of detailed language, whether more precise or more descriptive. We will continue to develop strategies for checking, editing and improving our first draft writing independently.
Children will continue to be given reading books and reading records, which should be brought into school every day. As children reach the end of the school reading scheme, they will be given a library book to replace the school reading book. We will have a weekly library session in which all children will be able to choose a book from the school library. To continue to develop their reading children should read at home with an adult for about ten minutes 3-4 times per week. Writing skills will be applied to a variety of text types. This term our writing will include adventure stories, letters, recounts and explanation texts. Spellings will be set weekly, your child will bring these home in their spelling book and should practise them at least 3 times per week. The weekly spelling test will usually be on a Friday.
Our P.E. day in school this year is Wednesday for which your child will need a plain white T-shirt, dark shorts and trainers. Please send these into school at the start of term and they can stay in school until the end of term. In colder, wetter weather we will aim to still enjoy P.E. outdoors where possible and so children will be able to wear tracksuits as necessary. Everything should be clearly marked with your child’s name and kept in a bag in your child’s locker throughout the half-term.
On Friday afternoons all children will be swimming at Scott Hall Leisure Centre. As in Year 2, your child will need to come to school already wearing swimming costume under their school clothes and with a change of underwear and a towel in a large plastic bag. Please ensure for both P.E. and swimming that hair is tied back and earrings are removed before school.
Forest School
Our weekly forest school sessions will take place on a Tuesday. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills as well as applying knowledge and skills learnt in the classroom to an outdoor context. We make the most of the local environment by eventually visiting Woodhouse Ridge for forest school sessions. Initially sessions will take place in the school grounds. Forest school will take place in all weathers so your child will need to bring a forest school kit on a Tuesday consisting of:
Clothes to stay warm and dry which can get muddy (eg old trousers and t-shirt/jumper)
Sturdy shoes with a good grip eg trainers, wellies, walking boots.
A coat
We may even need sun hats this term!"
Our Homework
At Shire Oak we encourage creative, project-based homework to allow children to explore wider aspects of a topic and follow their own interests and ideas.
Homework Leaflet Autumn 1st half 2023
Homework Leaflet Autumn 2nd half 2023
Homework Leaflet Spring 1st half 2024
Homework Leaflet Spring 2nd half 2024