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Leeds Learning Alliance (LLA)



Shire Oak Primary School are pleased to be members of the Leeds Learning Alliance. ​The LLA is a rapidly growing consortium of organisations that was formed in late 2019 by a group of leaders committed to improving education across Leeds. 


The member organisations currently support 125,000+ learners at every age range, from early years to adult. They have come together to bring their commonwealth of resources to reduce inequality by improving outcomes for all the learners of the communities that they serve by being inclusive, collaborative and ambitious. The LLA is a charitable Trust which binds all member organisations together through a Memorandum of Understanding.

Find out more at

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School: 0113-275-5890

Pre-School: 0113-230-4035

Shire Oak CE Primary School

Wood Lane, Headingley, LS6 2DT

Shire Oak is a safe and inclusive school and we expect all adults who work with, visit or meet our children to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding and regard for the welfare of children. 

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