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Our Governors


My name is Antonia Nicholls and I am Chair of the Governing Body at Shire Oak.


I have two children who attend the school and since becoming a School Governor in 2017 I have gained a fascinating insight to all the work that goes on behind the scenes to make Shire Oak what it is. I am so proud of our staff team who work hard to provide a safe, caring and supportive learning environment for all our children whilst ensuring that we offer a broad teaching and learning provision, maintaining high standards of attainment and behaviour alongside supporting children to develop positive life values.


In my spare time I run a HR Consultancy supporting SME’s and local enterprises, and I am a qualified business coach. As well as Chairing the full Governing Body I Chair the Resources Committee and lead on Governor training and development.


Hi, my name is Dick Killington. I was co-opted as a Governor in 2015 and am Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee. Since retiring four years ago I have worked in two primary schools as a volunteer (two of them in Shire Oak) helping with group and one-to-one activities in the areas of reading, phonics, maths and some science. Before retiring I was Professor of Virology, Pro-Dean for Learning and Teaching, and Head of School at the University of Leeds. For 31 years I was the Warden of a very large block of undergraduate student flats, with responsibility for discipline and pastoral care. I am married with three children and four granddaughters, all of whom are at primary school.

I have come to love Shire Oak and will do my best to help the School and to enhance the experience of both its staff and its pupils.

Hello, my name is Ann Dudzinski. I am a Foundation Governor who represents our local church, St Michael’s. I joined the governing body here a long time ago – my son was in year 3 at that time, and he is now 23 years old!


Being a governor is very interesting indeed. It is wonderful to watch Shire Oak School grow and develop, and it is very satisfying to play a part in that development, as a governor.


Because Shire Oak School is a church school, it is very important that we have good links with our local church. Part of my role as a governor is to help those links to develop and grow.  It’s lovely to see the pupils and staff and parents from Shire Oak when they come over to St Michael’s church for the Christmas carol service each year, and also for the service in July which marks the end of the school year. I try to come to along to at least one assembly at school each term, and always enjoy seeing and hearing about the achievements of all the pupils.


One of the most important jobs that governors do is to be part of the appointment process for new members of staff. This is very challenging - we want to find the best possible teachers and staff for our school. It is very rewarding to work with such an excellent team of staff as we have here, and it is a privilege to be part of that team, as a governor



Hello, I’m David Walls and I am a Foundation Governor at Shire Oak. I am really pleased to be on the team of governors and happy to help Shire Oak School.


I was a pupil at this school in the mid-seventies when it was called St. Michaels Middle School and I also attended the opening as a member of the Choir. I now run the Choir and arrange the music at St. Michael’s Church and want to uphold our ties to Shire Oak and St. Michaels.


I am a Mechanical Engineer by trade, semi-retired, and I worked in an engineering company in Pudsey manufacturing large electrical motors for use in hazardous areas, specialising in Quality Management and Product Support, which enabled me to travel the globe.

    Hello, my name is Katharine Salmon. I am a Foundation Governor who represents our local church, St Michael’s. I joined the governing body this year, so I have a lot to learn still!  I am a teacher in a school for girls aged 3-18 in Sheffield where I am in charge of Religious Studies, charity work, and support Y11 pastorally.


   Being a governor is very interesting indeed. I have known the school since I came to Leeds University in 1991 and have enjoyed seeing it grow and develop. I look forward to supporting the school in developing its approach to spirituality and I have already enjoyed talking to children about the things they like at school.


    As Shire Oak School is a church school, it is very important that we have helpful links with our local church. Part of my role as a governor is to help those links to develop and grow. I am one of the Licensed Lay Ministers at St Michael's church. It’s lovely to see the pupils and staff and parents from Shire Oak when they come over to St Michael’s church and I hope to get more involved in planning and supporting these services with the staff and pupils. I always enjoy seeing and hearing about the achievements of all the pupils. I look forward to coming into school and getting to know staff and students.


   One of the most important jobs that governors do is to help the Headteacher and staff to keep children safe and support their well-being in school, and I look forward to being part of this. I am passionate about teaching and learning and appreciate hearing what the children enjoy in their school, and supporting the staff as they plan and enhance the wide and lively curriculum that the children enjoy at Shire Oak school.

Hello, my name is Tim Goodall and I am a Local Authority governor in my role as councillor for Headingley and Hyde Park ward. I have known the school since I came to university in Leeds in 1991 and have worked with the school via my role in Child Friendly Headingley and Wonderday.

I’ve worked as a careers adviser in schools, colleges and universities for many years. I’ve also been a school counsellor in primary and secondary schools in the US and I’ve been a teacher in the UK, Spain and Jamaica. I’ve worked in performing arts schools as well as art and design colleges which has made me passionate about the importance of the arts in education.

I joined as a governor this year and I’m very much looking forward to finding out more about the school and getting more involved.


Hi, I’m Kate Wright a Parent Governor.  I currently have 3 children in Shire Oak, another has left for high school and 1 is due to start in 2021.  My career so far has been split into two areas as was my degree.  Having studied Business Management and Media, my early career was in the Media thread as a Production Buyer in Television and Film.  Once I had my children I followed the Business thread working in Financial services as a manager for the direct sales channel managing marketing, communications to members, the website and product development.  In order to spend more time at home I have recently had a portfolio career of many smaller jobs that I can work around my main priority of my family.  I am so happy to be on the Board of Governors, as someone who is experiencing the outcomes of the schools hard work I feel I can give them some of the support they require to flourish.

My name is Charlie Stobbart and I am a Parent Governor. I have two children at Shire Oak, in years 4 and 6. 

I have worked in secondary schools and specialist provisions for many years with young people experiencing difficulties in accessing their education for a variety of reasons. I am passionate about ensuring all young people have the opportunity to access a broad and varied curriculum in a supportive environment which meets their needs. Shire Oak provides this to all it's children and I am really pleased to be able to offer my support to the team at Shire Oak as part of the Governing Board.

My name is Jess Watson and I am a Parent Governor at Shire Oak. I have a child in Year 1 and another in preschool who will be joining the Shire Oak family in the future. I have worked in education across Leeds and Bradford for over 10 years. Throughout my career I have focused on pastoral support, safeguarding and personal development in order to remove barriers for young people and their families. I am passionate about inclusive

education. Outside of work I am interested in theatre, the arts and being outdoors. As a family we love exploring and playing outside. I originally trained as a drama teacher and using role play and imaginative play has been an important method to develop my own children's confidence. All of us enjoy dressing up and having a party or putting on a performance! I am very excited to be a governor at Shire Oak as it a wonderful school and I am thrilled to be part of the team. 

My name is Laura McCullagh and I am a Parent Governor. The oldest of my two children joined Reception in 2023 and I have been so grateful for the thoughtful and caring start to school life he's had. It has been absolutely amazing to see him settle in so quickly and be so excited to learn. 

   I love living in Headingley and making the most of everything our area has to offer. As a family we spend lots of time outdoors walking, cycling and exploring.

Professionally I have experience working in a range of Third and Public sector organisations in areas of mental health, social inclusion, homelessness and community development.

Recently I started a new role in a local NHS Improvement team. I love working with colleagues to find solutions to problems and improve the quality of the services we deliver.

It is a privilege to bring my varied experience, qualities and skills to the Shire Oak Governors team.



My name is Bianca Woodruff, I am the Staff Governor at Shire Oak Primary School. With more than 10 years’ experience in education including a governor for 4 years, I joined the Shire Oak team in 2017. I am very much looking forward to developing my skills as a Staff governor and in supporting Shire Oak Primary to continue its success in providing a happy, healthy learning environment for its staff and children.

 I have 2 children aged  9 and 11 and understand  what a pivotal role school plays in educating children, developing their communication,  emotional wellbeing and equipping them with skills for their future.


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School: 0113-275-5890

Pre-School: 0113-230-4035

Shire Oak CE Primary School

Wood Lane, Headingley, LS6 2DT

Shire Oak is a safe and inclusive school and we expect all adults who work with, visit or meet our children to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding and regard for the welfare of children. 

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