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Welcome to Year 6
Year 6 are called Amazon Class
Our teacher is: Mr Davies
The other adults who work in our class are: Mrs Woodruff
These people volunteer in our class: n/a
Our School Council Representatives are: Atticus and Poppy
Our PE days are: Wednesday and Friday
We often send our spellings home on: Monday
We often test spellings on: Friday
This half term’s main learning focus is:
Decimals and Percentages Area
Perimeter and Volume Statistics
Descriptive writing
Discursive writing (balanced argument)
Life in Britain During WW2
Science – Animals Including Humans
PE – Dodgeball and Dance
RE - Judaism
More detail is available in the curriculum area of our school website.
The times tables / maths facts we are learning are: all multiplication facts to 12
If we have extra time at home, this is a good way to help us improve our learning: reading, spelling practice, arithmetic questions
Mr Nash, the Learning Mentor, can normally help sort out any worries or problems about school life. He or senior leaders are on the playground before school each morning or can be contacted via the office.
Our class teacher(s) are always happy to talk to parents and carers about how to help children improve their learning. Catch them at the end of the day to arrange a time to talk, or leave a message at the office. (At morning circle time messages are best passed on via the office/Learning Mentor or senior staff as teachers are greeting the children and starting the day.)


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