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Cook It Grow It


We were very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with the Helen Hamlyn Trust Open Futures Programme.


With the support of staff from RHS Harlow Carr, the 'Cook it, Grow it' project enabled us

to build vegetable beds where we can grow and harvest our own crops. The produce is then used in cooking lessons and  the school canteen so the children get the opportunity to taste what they have grown.


The funding and outside support has now finished but the children are continuing with

the project and we have added a water butt and several compost bins to our resources.


Our latest development is the creation of an orchard in the school grounds where we are

growing apple trees and strawberry plants.



Throughout Key Stage 2 (and more recently, KS1), children have the opportunity to participate in Philosophy lessons. Our teachers have been working with students and lecturers at the University of Leeds to bring key philosophical thinking into our learning. Is a bike still the same bike if, over the years, all its parts have been replaced? Philosophical questions make us think for ourselves, listen to each other and tolerate other opinions. Not only are these fantastic life skills, but in working on communication and problem solving, we are also working on our numeracy and literacy. For more information,



For a video of our Leeds Philosophy Exchange in action, please follow the video link.

Year 6 Quad Project

Year 6 worked hard to redesign and renovate our courtyard area. They each drew their designs for the area and worked with Mrs Dickinson, our gardening leader, to choose the best bits. Cake sales, sponsored walks and other initiatives were undertaken to raise the money needed to see it through. The quad now provides a bright, sheltered space for us to socialise, read and learn.Now when our Year 6 pupils move on to secondary school, they paint their name on a leaf on the wall here.  Thank you, Year 6!


Nature Garden


A group of parents, working with Mrs Jill Dickinson and our children, are trying to improve our Nature Garden. They have already filled the old pond, cleared lots of nettles and built a great bird hide. They are on the map for Headingley Open Gardens when we welcome visitors to our grounds. We also asked them for ideas for the space which we want to make the best possible haven for nature and reflective space for the children at our school. Children have written poems about staying safe in the Nature Garden and have enjoyed using the bird hide and the new spotter guides.


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School: 0113-275-5890

Pre-School: 0113-230-4035

Shire Oak CE Primary School

Wood Lane, Headingley, LS6 2DT

Shire Oak is a safe and inclusive school and we expect all adults who work with, visit or meet our children to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding and regard for the welfare of children. 

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