Welcome to Year 2
Our Homework
At Shire Oak, we encourage creative, project-based homework to allow children to explore wider aspects of a topic and follow their own interests and ideas.
Homework Leaflet Autumn 1st half 2023
Homework Leaflet Autumn 2nd half 2023
Homework Leaflet Spring 1st half 2024
Homework Leaflet Spring 2nd half 2024
Our Learning
Our general topic this term is “Heroes”. We are starting this topic by immersing ourselves in the history of The Great Fire of London. We will be learning how it started, what happened during the fire and how it changed London. We will be reading, writing, singing, dancing and building to bring this topic to life. If your child is a fan of Minecraft, the Museum of London have developed Minecraft maps of The Great Fire which are free to download here https://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/discover/greatfire-1666. Later in the term we will be researching other real life heroes including Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.
In Science this term we will be learning about plants and observing how seeds grow into mature plants by growing our own beans. To do this, we will find out what plants need in order to grow and stay healthy. We will be reading a variety of texts and books to inspire our writing, develop our understanding across the curriculum and to build a love of reading. We will start with “Toto the Ninja Cat” and “Aesop’s fables”. We suggest that Year 2 children read to an adult four to five times every week for about ten minutes each time. This might be a book from home, the local library, from the school reading scheme or from our school library. Children will read with staff in class every week and will normally change their reading scheme books weekly to bring home. We will also have a library session every Thursday when children will choose books to bring home. Our writing focus this term will be continuing to develop accurate and exciting sentences. We will be writing our own fables, keeping a diary and writing a limerick or riddle. Our daily spelling lessons will continue, focusing on specific spelling rules and how to spell common exception words. Spellings will be sent home for children to practise this term, more details will follow shortly.
In Maths we will be revisiting topics from earlier in the year and learning about fractions and time (including o'clock,half past,quarter to,quarter past and telling the time to 5 minutes). We will also be learning our times tables facts for the 2,5 and 10 times tables, including division facts.
If you are on twitter you can follow the class page: @msbarley_class