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School Council
School Council - What is it?


School Councils are democracy in action. The School Council of Shire Oak Primary consists of two representatives of each class, from Year 1 to Year 6, a Vice Chair from Y5 who then becomes the Chair when they reach Y6. The Council meets frequently, at least once every month, to express views and make decisions.


Staff and Governors are always keen to know the views of our pupils. Please look at our noticeboard in school for recent news and for a copy of our annual report. The School Council even interview people for vacancies in school. (Candidates have remarked about how challenging this aspect of the selection was!)


The election process for school council starts by each pupil in every class getting an opportunity to vote for a class representative. The two people with the most votes in each class will be elected. Year 5 children who wish to run for Vice Chair write a speech and then they present their speeches to the whole school. The person with the most votes is elected to serve as Vice Chair and, subsequently, Chair. Elections happen in September each year.


A message from the Chair and other members of the School Council


"When we became part of the school council, we had no idea what it would be like, as none of us had done it before.  We have made lots of decisions in school council meetings such as: scoot the route, organising toy sales, fundraising football match and Christmas presents for children in Romania.  We also interviewed some new teachers and now one of them works in year 5.

At the moment we are working on a deforestation project.

We would be delighted to hear your ideas in the school council box"

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