Shire Oak is an inclusive school. By this we mean that all children are valued and we have high expectations of all our children. Our staff work hard to make learning appropriate, interesting and challenging for all children. Teaching styles are varied to take account of the different ways in which children learn so that they can all enjoy success and improve their knowledge, skills and understanding. Our curriculum has been developed to reflect the diverse needs of our pupils. We want our children to feel positive about their learning experience and to take pride in their individual achievements.
The Inclusion Team work in collaboration with class teachers to remove any barriers children may have in respect to learning. Advice is given in assessing children's needs and planning work. Some pupils may receive additional adult support within the classroom, or small groups or individuals may be given one to one support or tuition. Additional work may include language work for those for whom English is not a first language or additional learning opportunities for our more able pupils. Pupils who have social, emotional or behavioural challenges can be supported by our Learning Mentor or our Nurture Leader. School also makes good use of the expertise on offer from outside agencies and works closely with them to enrich learning experiences for our children.
Our buildings and outdoor areas have recently undergone extensive refurbishment so that our working environment is able to offer a range of possibilities to enhance children's access to the curriculum. Areas have been created to encourage children's language development and social interaction. Smaller working areas have also been created for group and individual work.
The school works closely with the Local Authority to fulfil the SEN Code of Practice 2014. This is done through our school offer and the Leeds local offer. Children with learning challenges are identified promptly by the school and the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) works closely with parents and teachers to make sure the child's needs are met. All SEND information is confidential to teachers and parents. Children's progress is closely monitored and reviewed at regular intervals by our Inclusion Manager. The school is also able to access many support agencies in order to support children with specific challenges. (Follow the SEND link below for more information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.)
We welcome close partnerships with parents and carers and encourage parents’ involvement in their child's learning. Along with regular opportunities to visit school to see work and meet with the class teacher there is also an open invitation to meet and discuss issues with the Inclusion Manager or Learning Mentor. We work hard to remove barriers to learning and to make sure each child achieves their full potential.
See below for more information about how we support children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities , more able children and children who speak English as an Additional Language
