Keeping Children Safe and Healthy
We spend a lot of time teaching children about how to keep themselves safe and healthy both within and outside of school. Our pupils are taught and encouraged to live healthy lifestyles and adopt safe practices and through the planned curriculum, we ensure that the issues of healthy eating, physical exercise and safety (including e-safety) are taught. Please refer to our PSHCE curriculum planner for an outline of this.
Our children learn about how they should expect to be treated by others and about all the different people who can help them to stay safe. There is a worry box in every classroom and should they want to children can write a 'worry note' and post in into the box . Mr Nash always follows these notes up promptly, chatting them through with the children and taking any action required. There are five named people for child protection in school: Ms Jane Astrid Devane, Mrs Marcelle Maver are the key people, supported by Mrs Sara Mitchell and Mr Lawrence Nash. All adults working in school have a DBS check, and all visitors are required to sign in and out of school and wear a visitor’s badge. All adults working in school have had child protection training and report any concerns immediately to one of the designated staff, parents are carers are requested to do the same.
We follow the Leeds Joint Agency Protocol for Domestic Violence and Abuse: School and Higher Education Notifications (DVA Notifications Process) so that we can support children in school who may have been exposed to incidents of domestic violence.
The governors keep a close eye on pupils’ safety and behaviour and how the school tackles bullying. This report gives more information about our anti bullying work: Anti Bullying Work at Shire Oak CE Primary School 2023.
We take the health and safety of all the children very seriously. In addition to termly safety inspections and regular fire drills, we have a comprehensive health and safety policy. There are many policies in place to safeguard our children, and these are available on the Policies page of the website. We encourage all staff, parents and children to report any health and safety concerns to the Ms Devane or Miss Craven as soon as possible.
Despite every effort, care and concern, it is possible that your child may become ill whilst at school or have an accident. We have a number of qualified first aiders in school who are well equipped to deal with minor accidents and illness. All incidents are recorded and a note will be sent home to you (plus a text message in the case of head bumps). If we are more concerned about your child’s condition or they have become very upset, we will always phone you to discuss what to do next. If your child has been poorly and needs medication to be administered at school, we are happy to do this but you must complete a form available from the office and bring the medicine to and from school with you each day. High standards of behaviour are expected in our school. Our draft Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy sets out how we promote good behaviour and deal with any problems. Our children are often reminded about our school rules and they know that we have them in order for everyone to be happy and keep safe.
The school is committed to working closely with parents and carers and endeavours to listen to and follow up on any issues or complaints by talking to you and agreeing what to do. After talking to staff and the Head, if your issue is not resolved and you wish to make a formal complaint, there is a clear procedure in place, please speak to the Head Teacher or ask for a copy of the formal complaints procedures.
The Department for Education has commissioned the NSPCC to establish a dedicated independent helpline for people who have experienced sexual abuse in educational setting. The helpline went live on 1 April, and will provide both children and adults who have experienced sexual abuse in schools with support and advice, including onward action such as contacting the police if they wish to. The helpline will also provide support to parents and professionals. Anyone who gets in touch through this dedicated helpline will also be signposted to other relevant support services available, including Childline, which provides ongoing support and counselling to children and young people. The dedicated and confidential NSPCC helpline – Report Abuse in Education can be reached on 0800 136 663 or by email at
To ensure the safety and well-being of pupils, staff and visitors to the school, we remind you that only assistance dogs are permitted on the school site. Dogs should be kept away from entryways and walkways so that children have a choice whether they want to come in direct contact with animals.
