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Maths at Shire Oak

At Shire Oak we follow the National Curriculum for teaching maths. We use the scheme and resources published by White Rose Maths as well as our teachers' own resources, skills and expertise. Our use of Numicon and multisensory maths principles is well embedded. We aim to develop confident mathematicians that acquire the knowledge and develop the skills they need for future study, work and life. Our maths subject leaders continue to work with the West Yorkshire Maths Hub to develop our understanding and use of mastery methods for teaching maths. 


Our long term plan

How White Rose Maths maps onto the National Curriculum

How we teach maths at Shire Oak

Ready to Progress document from White Rose Maths. This document aids teachers in planning and assessing as it sets out the progression within topics and how this fits in to prior and subsequent learning. As we work to bridge the gaps and overcome the barriers caused by the disruption to schooling during the COVID pandemic, this is particularly useful. 

Calculation Policy: Addition and Subtraction

Calculation Policy: Multiplication and Division 

National Curriculum Year Group Expectations

Key Number Facts at Shire Oak

Times Table allocation per term sheets 

Here are some of the other resources we use to support a mastery curriculum in maths:

Nrich -

NCETM -Professional Development Spine

NCETM – Primary Assessment materials



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