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Music at Shire Oak

At Shire Oak we follow the National Curriculum for teaching music. We use the Charanga scheme, as recommended by our local music hub (LMEP) to ensure well planned, sequenced and resourced lessons are taught in music. To supplement our use of this scheme we have many music-making opportunities at Shire Oak. In Year 4 all children learn to play the djembe drum in weekly sessions with a specialist teacher. The music leader leads weekly singing assemblies. Reception, Year One and Year Two take part in musical Nativity performances, Years Three and Four take part in a musical Easter production and Years Five and Six take part in an end of year musical production. All children take part in our preparations for the Headingley Youth Music Festival that is a school-led festival for the local area. Children from Year 2 can sign up for weekly instrument lessons taught by peripatetic music teachers and join ensembles (such as the Headingley and Kirkstall Combined Schools Band). School applies for bursaries and uses its own Opportunities Fund to ensure access to this offer is as wide as possible and well over half of the children at Shire Oak learn to play a musical instrument whilst they are at primary school. 


Charanga Knowledge and Skills Year One

Charanga Knowledge and Skills Year Two


Charanga Knowledge and Skills Year Three


Charanga Knowledge and Skills Year Four


Charanga Knowledge and Skills Year Five


Charanga Knowledge and Skills Year Six

Charanga Knowledge Organiser Year One

Charanga Knowledge Organiser Year Two


Charanga Knowledge Organiser Year Three


Charanga Knowledge Organiser Year Four


Charanga Knowledge Organiser Year Five


Charanga Knowledge Organiser Year Six

Charanga Teacher Assessment Year One

Charanga Teacher Assessment Year Two

Charanga Teacher Assessment Year Three

Charanga Teacher Assessment Year Four

Charanga Teacher Assessment Year Five

Charanga Teacher Assessment Year Six

Music Year Group Assessment Criteria



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School: 0113-275-5890

Pre-School: 0113-230-4035

Shire Oak CE Primary School

Wood Lane, Headingley, LS6 2DT

Shire Oak is a safe and inclusive school and we expect all adults who work with, visit or meet our children to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding and regard for the welfare of children. 

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