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Results 2014-15

Standards and Academic Achievement (Progress)


Children at the end of Foundation Stage and Key Stage One achieve results that are often better than (and at least in line with) Leeds and national averages. In Key Two results have been improving and are now better than Leeds and national averages for reading, writing and maths.


Although standards are important, for us the progress children make from their various starting points is the most important measure of how well we are teaching and they are learning. 100% of children make expected progress from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2.


Some children join us after Reception and we know that this mobility can affect our results. Our data analysis shows that the longer children are with us at Shire Oak, the better they catch up and move on.


External Links to School Performance Tables and Data Dashboards can be found on our OFSTED/SIAMS page.



Foundation Stage


















Children are defined as having reached a good level of development (GLD) at the end of the EYFS if they have achieved at least the expected level in:

  • the early learning goals in the prime areas of learning (personal, social and emotional development; physical development; and communication and language) and;

  • the early learning goals in the specific areas of mathematics and literacy.


The levels attained by children at the end of the EYFS are allocated a number as follows:

Emerging = 1, Expected = 2 and Exceeding = 3.


For each of the 17 Early Learning Goals a child is recorded as have achieved a 1, 2 or 3. Consequently it is possible to give children an overall 'score'.


EYFS Results 2015


GLD: 72.4%

Average total point score: 35

Children scoring 17: 0



Phonics in Key Stage One (Screening Test)






































Key Stage One

































































Key Stage Two






































































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