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Computing at Shire Oak

At Shire Oak we follow the National Curriculum for teaching computing (previously known as ICT - Information and communication technology). We use the Swtiched on Computing scheme to ensure the planning of well sequenced lessons that help children acquire the knowledge and develop the skills they need for future study, work and life. We use Google Classroom to support learning in school and at home and have banks of chromebooks that can be used in the classroom. This approach (as opposed to an IT suite of desktop computers) helps children to integrate their computing skills into other subjects and continue to use the tools, displays and resources in the classroom to support learning across the curriculum. 


Year One overview of units

Year Two overview of units

Year Three overview of units

Year Four overview of units

Year Five overview of units

Year Six overview of units



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School: 0113-275-5890

Pre-School: 0113-230-4035

Shire Oak CE Primary School

Wood Lane, Headingley, LS6 2DT

Shire Oak is a safe and inclusive school and we expect all adults who work with, visit or meet our children to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding and regard for the welfare of children. 

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